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News > Venezuela

President Maduro Rejects New US Media Campaign Against Venezuela

  • President Nicolas Maduro at the Bolivarian Military University, Caracas, Venezuela, July 7, 2020.

    President Nicolas Maduro at the Bolivarian Military University, Caracas, Venezuela, July 7, 2020. | Photo: Twitter/ @CancilleriaVE

Published 15 July 2020

The Trump administration seeks a change of government in this South American country.

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro Tuesday denounced the statements of the U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams, who assured that he would finance a media campaign against the Bolivarian nation amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


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"Abrams said he would finance a campaign against Venezuela, but that campaign has already begun, attacking Venezuela, trying to convey a reality that does not exist," Maduro warned.

The Bolivarian leader also stressed that the U.S. misinformation is supported by international agencies and websites, which write slander and lies about this South American country.

“They are looking for something small to happen in Venezuela to manipulate its; Venezuela, however, is in battle and we have had positive results.”

Maduro also assured that the country will prevail against the media campaigns since his homeland has the support of the people and the medical brigades, which have carried out 1,400,000 COVID-19 tests so far.

"Venezuela is fighting and standing. We are in a daily battle against the pandemic and everything coming from the Empire," the Bolivarian president stressed.

These actions are carried out as part of the measures taken by President Donald Trump's administration to pressure a change of government in this South American country.

Over the last 24 hours, local authorities reported 303 new COVID-19 cases. As of Wednesday morning, Venezuela had confirmed 10,010 cases and 96 deaths.

As part of the international cooperation to fight the pandemic, a shipment of medical supplies will arrive in Venezuela from Turkey next Friday.

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