Venezuelan Authorities Deny Closure of Airspace and Denounce International Media Campaign

The National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC) of Venezuela confirmed that air operations are proceeding normally.

PSUV Vice President Meets With International Delegations to the Elections of 28J

The vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said that the elections in his country are not organized by the Southern Command, the State Department, the OAS or the big corporations or media, but the Venezuelan state through the National Electoral Council.

Palestinian Resistance Leader Dies in Israeli Prison

Palestinian organizations issued a statement stating that the victim was a leader of the Hamas movement and had been detained on at least 12 occasions since 1990.

Kenya: Conference to Boost China-Africa Trade Ties Hosted

Juma Mukhwana, principal secretary in the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, said Kenya offers diverse economic opportunities for Chinese investors due to its strategic location as a gateway to the East African Community and the wider African market.

Guinea: Political Transition Will Not End on Dec. 31

Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, the government spokesperson, said the Guinean government intends to organize a referendum "before the end of this year to provide the country with a constitution" as a prelude to organizing the elections.

Ethiopia: Avalanche Recovery Effort Continues

As part of the actions implemented, some six thousand vulnerable people were identified to be relocated from the disaster site, including another 600 who were initially protected.


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The narratives of transnational mainstream media seek to delegitimize the entire Venezuelan electoral system. During an interview on teleSUR on Friday, international analysts discussed the Venezuelan presidential elections, framing them within broader geopolitical and geoeconomic processes. RELATED: Venezuelans Observe Electoral Silence Before Going to the Polls on July 28 “The Venezuelan electoral system has been […]


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