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News > Peru

Peru: President Legal Defense Requested Habeas Corpus

  • The legal defense of President Pedro Catillo filed a Habeas corpus. Mar. 12, 2022.

    The legal defense of President Pedro Catillo filed a Habeas corpus. Mar. 12, 2022. | Photo: Twittre/@la_patilla

Published 13 March 2022

The Peruvian President's legal defense inserted the habeas corpus petition against the constitutional complaint.

In the face of the Parliament's Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations that admitted a constitutional complaint against the Peruvian leader, Pedro Castillo, his legal defense requested the insertion of a habeas corpus.

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The legal representative of Peru's head of State, Eduardo Pachas, inserted the habeas corpus petition claiming violation of the right to individual liberty due process and due to adequate procedural protection in Parliament.

The violation of the presumption of innocence and freedom of conscience and the breach of the principle of legality and inapplicability by the analogy of criminal law were mentioned among the reasons to insert the habeas corpus.

The habeas corpus is intended to dismiss the agreement reached by the subcommittee on February 28, which conceded the constitutional complaint alleging treason against the Peruvian state. It also remarked on the assemblage of the definitive file on the complaint for having violated due process.

Pedro Castillo files habeas corpus against the accusation

The president's defense alleges that there has been a violation of the principle of legality and inapplicability by analogy in bad part.

Last February 28, the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations decreed as valid a constitutional complaint issued against President Castillo. The motion was approved by a group of lawyers and lawmaker Norma Yarrow, with nine votes in favor and eight against.

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