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News > Venezuela

European Network of Solidarity With Venezuela Rejects EU Acts

  •  The network  rejects

    The network  rejects "the hostile and counterproductive attitude that the EU has assumed towards Venezuela in recent years." | Photo: Twitter/@CancilleriaVE

Published 26 February 2021

The European Network points out that these attacks from the 27 country block come after the Preliminary Report by the Special Rapporteur of the  United Nations confirmed the "devastating" damage that unilateral sanctions and the US blockade have caused on Venezuela. 

The European Network of Solidarity with Venezuela condemned on Friday the European Union (EU) decision to declare the Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the EU, Ambassador Claudia Salerno, persona non grata.


The European Union Expels Venezuelan Ambassador

"We condemn that the EU remains fixated in promoting the failed strategy of sanctions, which have only served the U.S. strategy of generating pain and harm to the Venezuelan people. In doing so, it not only violates the norms of international law but also shows unworthy signs of arrogance and clumsiness,"  the network of solidarity organizations said in a statement.

"European Network of Solidarity with Venezuela condemns EU decision on Ambassador Claudia Salerno."

The European Network points out that these attacks from the 27 country block come after the Preliminary Report by the Special Rapporteur of the  United Nations confirmed the "devastating" damage that unilateral sanctions and the US blockade have caused on Venezuela.

Furthermore, the network  rejects "the hostile and counterproductive attitude that the EU has assumed towards Venezuela in recent years." Also, the statement emphasizes that " far from promoting the dialogue and reconciliation they claim to support, their actions (unilateral sanctions, recognition as "interim president" to Juan Guaidó and permanent hostile rhetoric towards the legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro) seem designed precisely to undermine any attempt to normalize the complex situation afflicting the Venezuelan people."

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