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News > Cuba

Cuba Appreciates Solidarity of US Residents

  • José Martí Cultural Association of the United States sent a donation to Cuba. March. 28, 2022.

    José Martí Cultural Association of the United States sent a donation to Cuba. March. 28, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@BrunoRguezP

Published 28 March 2022

The Cuban authorities expressed their gratitude for the donation made by the José Martí Cultural Association of the United States to the Centro Habana Children's Hospital.

The donation consists of supplies and medicines, including surgical rubber gloves, masks, respirators, walkers, canes, wheelchairs, crutches, syringes, and various medicines and consumables.

Solidarity Caravans Demand an End to the US Blockade of Cuba

Mariluz B. Hamel, director of Trade Policy with North America at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment, thanked the solidarity gesture on behalf of the Cuban Government, stating that it constitutes another example of love and commitment to Cuba. 

Hamel held in high regard the efforts made by the members of the association in the United States to promote Cuba-U.S. relations and, in particular, to circumvent the U.S. economic blockade imposed on the Caribbean island for more than half a century. In this sense, the official acknowledged that this donation takes place amidst a problematic situation for the country, facing growing hostility from Washington's policy.   

The diplomat said that Cuba highly values all activities against the U.S. blockade, praising the work carried out by healthcare employees and scientists in the fight against the global pandemic of Covid-19, the U.S. blockade, and the campaigns performed against Cuba which seek to defame the country and mislead public opinion.     

Cuba thanks donation made by the José Martí Cultural Association of U.S. consisting of supplies and medicines destined for the pediatric hospital in Centro Habana, delivered by Ricardo Chang, vice president of the association.

Ricardo Chang, vice president of the Jose Marti Cultural Association, said that this donation shows the love that most Cubans residents in the U.S. feel for their country. He also expressed the commitment of the association to continue offering its solidarity with Cuba through these tokens of love and respect. "We are doubly besieged, not only by the Covid-19 pandemic but also by the U.S. economic blockade that has lasted more than six decades", he also said.    

Chang forwarded the regards of all the people who are members of the José Martí Cultural Association and the Alianza Martiana and are closely involved in this effort to compile materials with an approximate value of US$79,000.

Dr. José Antonio González, the first director of the Centro Habana Children's Hospital, also thanked the solidarity action and said everyone's commitment is to take care of the available materials and make efficient use of them to ensure better quality medical care for the children. 

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