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News > Latin America

Countries Recognize Advances in Human Rights in Venezuela

  • Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 25, 2022.

    Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, Caracas, Venezuela, Jan. 25, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @DouglasCardozoN

Published 26 January 2022

They applauded the commitment of the Bolivarian government to improve the economic well-being of its people, despite the adverse economic situation caused by the U.S. blockade.

On Tuesday, most countries recognized the achievements that Venezuela has made in promoting civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights, and collective rights.


Human Rights Should Not Be a Political Tool, Venezuela Warns

This South American country presented its third Periodic Human Rights Review (UPR) at the session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (OHCHR) held out in Geneva. During her videoconference, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez called for avoiding the use of the international human rights regime as a political tool against countries that defend their sovereignty.

Her report also allowed the OHCHR members to visualize the actions that President Nicolas Maduro's administration has taken to improve the human rights situation in Venezuela and to fulfill its country's international obligations.

“We thank the countries that have highlighted the impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights. We salute the vast majority of countries... that have recognized Venezuela's progress even under these conditions of pressure,” she said.

After Rodriguez's intervention, representatives of the UN countries commented on the progress of human rights in Venezuela. Nicaragua's representative recommended that the Bolivarian nation continue "the fight against inequalities and poverty, maintaining efforts to subsidize public services attacked by the illegal unilateral measures imposed by foreign governments”.

Nigeria applauded the commitment of the Venezuelan government to improve the economic well-being of its people, despite the adverse economic situation.

The delegate from Iran highlighted the effort made by the South American country to counter U.S. coercive measures, while the representative from Saudi Arabia recognized Venezuela as a protector of individual guarantees.

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