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News > Bolivia

Bolivia: Camacho, Accused of Bribery and Seduction of Troops

  • Luis Fernando Camacho is arrested and charged for his participation in the

    Luis Fernando Camacho is arrested and charged for his participation in the "Coup d'Etat I" case. Jan. 13, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@BonettSol

Published 13 January 2023

The action joins the terrorism charges in the "Coup d'état I" case against opposition governor Luis Fernando Camacho. 

On Friday, the Bolivian Prosecutor's Office extended the investigation against the governor of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, accusing him of the crimes of active bribery and seduction of troops.

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The Minister of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, confirmed the extension of the complaint in statements to the media in which he said that other issues must now be investigated. 

The charges are active bribery and seduction of troops in relation to the 2019 protests against the government of then Bolivian President Evo Morales. A recent accusation by del Castillo alleges that former Air Force (FAB) commander Jorge Gonzalo Terceros received money transfers from Governor Camacho.

In this regard, a report has been requested to the Financial Investigations Unit (UIF) by the Prosecutor's Office, in order to determine who else will be prosecuted, said the Minister of Government.

Min. of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, confirms the extension of the lawsuit for active bribery and seduction of troops against the governor of Santa Cruz, Fernando Camacho, accused in the process "Coup d'Etat I"

Camacho remains in preventive detention for a period of four months in the maximum security prison of Chonchocoro. The governor was arrested by police on December 28 and transferred to La Paz. 

He is being tried for terrorism in degree of authorship in the framework of the "Coup d'état I" case. This dates back to the protests that in 2019 led to the resignation of former President Morales.

Camacho is governor of Bolivia's richest region and opposes the ruling leftist political party, Movement Towards Socialism (MAS).

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