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News > Bolivia

Bolivia Approves Amnesty Law for Those Persecuted by Añez Gov't

  • Former president Evo Morales in Chimorè city, Bolivia, in November 2020, after a year in exile.

    Former president Evo Morales in Chimorè city, Bolivia, in November 2020, after a year in exile. | Photo: Twitter/ @evoespueblo

Published 12 February 2021

The Amnesty and Pardon law frees from judicial processes more than 1 000 people, including former president Evo Morales.  

The Bolivian parliament approved on Thursday the Amnesty and Pardon law for more than 1 000 persecuted by the government of  Jeanine Áñez, including former president Evo Morales.


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Vice-President David Choquehuanca proclaimed the law with "the affirmative vote of the absolute majority of the Assembly," the official noticed.

"For months, we demanded and shouted #LiberenALxsPresxxsPolíticxs, and now it is reality! The Plurinational Legislative Assembly of #Bolivia just approved today, #12 February, the Amnesty and Pardon Law that benefits thousands of people imprisoned by the Añez dictatorship. We did it!"

"The decree is in favor of justice for those persecuted and prosecuted without any reason with criminal charges, freeing them from any criminal charge presented during the de facto government," explained the President of the Senate Andrónico Rodríguez.

The decree releases political and social leaders who opposed Añez from judicial processes and preventive detention. This after social movements submitted a list with more than 1 000 people persecuted for alleged charges of sedition, terrorism, and electoral fraud.

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