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News > Bolivia

Bolivia: A Court To Consider Postponement of Local Elections

  • People gather to elect departmental representatives, La Paz, Bolivia, Jan. 29, 2021.

    People gather to elect departmental representatives, La Paz, Bolivia, Jan. 29, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @TSEBolivia

Published 2 February 2021

La Paz Mayor's office candidate Amilcar Barral demanded the suspension of the elections due to the epidemiological situation.

A court in La Paz Tuesday admitted for debate a claim seeking to postpone the subnational elections set to take place on March 7, following concerns over the pertinence of holding the polls under the current health emergency. 


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The claim was presented by La Paz mayor's office candidate Amilcar Barral, who requested a temporary suspension of the elections until the COVID-19 pandemic was put under control.

La Paz Constitutional Court summoned Supreme Electoral Tribunal(TSE) President Salvador Romero, Senate Chairman Andronico Rodriguez, and Lower Hose President Freddy Mamani for a hearing to discuss the matter on Feb. 8.

Some 7.1 million Bolivians are registered to vote in the elections that will decide nine governors, 339 mayors, and their respective local lawmakers. 

"We are complying with the Law, we are going to make a presentation before the Court of all the technical elements with which we are carrying out this electoral process and that guarantee the protection of the public health of all the people who participate", Romero said.

Although there have been several requests by parties and candidates to postpone the local elections due to the pandemic's second wave, the TSE ratified March 7 as election day.

As of Tuesday morning, Bolivia had confirmed 218,299 COVID-19 cases and 10,439 related fatalities.

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