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ALBA-TCP Secretary Denounces Fierce Media Campaign Against Cuba

  • ALBA-TCP denounces interference by

    ALBA-TCP denounces interference by "NGOs" in Latin American countries. | Photo: Twitter/@PrensaLatina_cu

Published 19 July 2021

The Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP, Sacha Llorenti, denounced Monday that Cuba is the target of a manipulative media campaign to discredit its government and its people.

In exclusive statements to Prensa Latina, the official of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty, pointed out that just as it happened in Venezuela in 2017, in Bolivia in 2019 and more recently in Nicaragua, the Caribbean island is now the center of fake news by the mainstream media and networks.

The official of the regional entity, expressed that behind all these actions is the hand of the U.S. Government, in its eagerness to provoke a large-scale social outburst and justify an armed intervention, as they did in other nations.


Latin America Expresses Support to Cuba's Government and People

In his exchange with this news agency, Llorenti reiterated ALBA-TCP's condemnation of those actions and its support for the Cuban Revolution.

"The alliance repudiates any destabilization attempt against Cuba and we also demand the lifting of coercive and unilateral measures, while we denounce in the strongest terms the acts promoted and executed by criminal elements," he pointed out.

He stressed that it is no coincidence that in the midst of the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington's illegal and criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade against the island is intensifying, when it is also trying to ignore that this is the real cause of the difficult situation that this nation is going through.

He recalled that in a recent meeting with the presidents of the media of the member countries of the regional alliance, it was agreed to create a united front to combat media manipulation and make known to the world what is really happening in Cuba.

"NGOs that act without authorization, intervene in internal affairs and receive, directly or indirectly, resources from other States, cannot be considered Non-Governmental. They are parastatal organizations that commit acts of interference in violation of the UN Charter."

"In the face of reactionary and counterrevolutionary lies, the truth must prevail and dismantle the communicational matrices that are being put together around the Cuban reality," he stressed.

They are trying to make it appear, he said, that there is a large-scale social outbreak, when in reality there were riots and acts of vandalism by some groups.

Likewise, he referred to the announcements of a supposedly peaceful protest, while images in real time show violent attacks against hospitals and looting of stores.

Finally, the ALBA-TCP secretary emphasized to Prensa Latina that the defense of the Cuban Revolution is the sole responsibility of its citizens and any solution will always be based on sovereignty and the recognition that the main cause of the country's situation is the U.S. blockade.

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