Latin American collectives, movements and organizations expressed support to the Cuban people and government in the face of the smear campaign promoted by the United States, after the acts of violence on Sunday in several towns of the country.
The executive secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), Sacha Llorenti, condemned the interventionist actions against Havana promoted from Washington.
Cuba Is Alert to Destabilization Attempts, Diaz-Canel Says
Sacha Llorenti also rejected the remarks made by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, in support of destabilizing actions registered in the Caribbean island.
From Argentina, the Buenos Aires Press Workers Union (Utpba) condemned the actions promoted by the U.S. to destabilize Cuba.
"Utpba is and will be as always together with you and the heroic Cuban people beyond words. Long live Cuba. Long live the Revolution," said the text, signed by the general secretary of that collective, Lidia Fagale, and its deputy secretary, Leandro Torres.
Colombian academics, politicians and social activists expressed their solidarity with the people and government of Cuba, in view of the maneuvers to try to destabilize the country.
Bolivian President Luis Arce also expressed his "full support to the Cuban people in their struggle against destabilizing actions," while stressing that "the more the Government of Cuba advances in health and science, the more it faces disinformation and foreign attack."
He added that "the problems in Cuba must be solved by the Cubans, without any interference, much less from those who have maintained a criminal blockade for 60 years," in reference to the US.
For his part, the president of the Colombian party Comunes, Rodrigo Londoño, expressed his solidarity with Cuba in the face of the aggressions promoted by the U.S. and its criminal blockade.
Former senator and renowned activist Piedad Córdoba joined the expressions of support and solidarity to Cuba and the government of its president, Miguel Díaz-Canel.
Meanwhile, the Government of Nicaragua denounced and condemned the permanent destabilization and aggression against its Cuban counterpart, indicating that the U.S. is the main destabilizer.
In addition, it recalled that Washington "has no moral authority to say anything, when it bears all the responsibility and blame for all the atrocious crimes of hate and against humanity that it has committed, and continues to commit, against the peoples of the world."
From El Salvador, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) rejected the campaign aimed at generating destabilization in Cuba.
The leftist formation condemned, in a communiqué, the media manipulation to impose a narrative alien to the Cuban reality, under the auspices of imperialism and counterrevolution.
The Venezuela-Cuba Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Movement and other organizations repudiated the destabilizing attempts against the Cuban Revolution.
"A few hours ago, opportunists and hawkers of chaos, came out once again to the communicational scenario with a supposed concern for Cuba and asking for help and freedom. These are the same voices that have no echo in the hearts of the noble Cuban people, who for more than 60 years have been victims of the genocidal blockade imposed by the U.S. empire," reads a communiqué from the movement.
"The member countries of the ALBATCP express their full support and solidarity to the people and Government of Cuba in the face of continuous discrediting campaigns and attempts to provoke a social explosion to justify an external intervention, organized and financed by the US."
The solidarity group, the Movimiento de Integración y Emancipación de Derechos Humanos del Sur, the Asociación Civil Víctimas del Caracazo y del Terrorismo de Estado Cuarto Republica express that the main help Cuba needs is the lifting of the coercive and unilateral measures that try to asphyxiate the people.
The Guatemalan Coordinating Committee for Solidarity with Cuba rejected the attempts to destabilize the Caribbean island and thanked its people for the help in the area of health.
In the opinion of its members, the U.S. blockade imposed on Cuba for more than 60 years constitutes a criminal and genocidal act condemned by the international community on more than 27 occasions.
Together with the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, Guatemala chapter, they condemn the attitude of groups financed by the U.S. to put an end to the Revolution and thank the Cuban government for its support with medical brigades in difficult-access places in the land of the Quetzal.
For its part, the Venezuela-Cuba National Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Movement also denounced the communication campaign with destabilizing purposes promoted by the U.S. against the island, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We wish to alert the peoples of the world that with the argument of humanitarian aid, the old Trojan Horse strategy is being implemented in order to increase the aggression against the Cuban people," the communiqué reads.
"We express our full support to the Cuban people in their struggle against destabilizing actions. The more the government of #Cuba advances in health and science, the more it faces disinformation and foreign attack."
In turn, the Workers' Party of Brazil expressed its unconditional support and solidarity with the Cuban people and government, "which for six decades has been the victim of a blockade by the U.S., damaging the country's commercial and diplomatic relations with the rest of the world."
"The Cuban people are the main victims of this long and criminal blockade, being excluded from the regular conditions for a dignified life, which could be achieved in a normal situation," the text refers.
The ALBA-TCP member countries also issued a communiqué to send "their full support and solidarity to the people and government of Cuba in the face of continuous discrediting campaigns and attempts to provoke a social outburst to justify an external intervention."
In the document they assured that these actions are organized and financed by the U.S. Government, "which in the current COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the criminal and inhuman policy of economic, commercial and financial blockade.
For its part, the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) ratified its solidarity with the Cuban people, assuring that "it is facing a new wave of reactionary coup d'état."
"The whole world knows that the situation in Cuba is one of resistance and, precisely because its government has not surrendered to imperialism in six decades, it is being punished with a criminal economic blockade that hinders its possibilities of development (...) The Communist Party of Brazil, its leadership and its militancy, once again took the side of the Cuban people and in defense of the Revolution," it expressed.