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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Congratulates Colombia-ELN Peace Dialogue Cycle

  • Representatives of the Colombian government, Caracas, Venezuela, Sept. 4, 2023.

    Representatives of the Colombian government, Caracas, Venezuela, Sept. 4, 2023. | Photo: X/ @Tatiana_teleSUR

Published 4 September 2023

The Venezuelan government praised the participation of society in the peace process and the bilateral ceasefire.

On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro congratulated the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) for holding the fourth cycle of peace talks, which concluded in Caracas with the approval of various agreements, including increasing the humanitarian actions in the areas most affected by the conflict.


Colombian Government and ELN Finish 4th Cycle of Peace Talks

Through a statement, the Venezuelan government praised the participation of society in the peace process and the bilateral ceasefire, which will be maintained until February 2024 as agreed by the parties in the third negotiation cycle that took place. In the Habana.

These actions "have demonstrated the serious commitment of the parties to the long-awaited peace in Colombia, which President Gustavo Petro has put so much effort into achieving," the Venezuelan government's statement pointed out.

It was also recalled that Venezuela, other guarantor countries, institutions and accompanying nations "have constructively and respectfully expressed their faithful disposition with the highest values and responsibilities of cooperation for the construction of peace in Colombia."

The text reads, "Reading of the declaration of the guarantor countries and permanent companions of the Peace Dialogue Table between the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army."

It also reiterated the will "to work tirelessly for the inestimable goods of peace and the Latin American and Caribbean union."

The parties closed their fourth cycle of negotiations with the approval of actions for two "crisis zones" in which the civilian population has been seriously affected by the armed conflict.

In a joint statement, the Colombian government and the ELN mentioned that they will carry out humanitarian actions to promote a bilateral, national, and temporary ceasefire, as well as the participation of social, economic and political forces in the crisis zones.

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