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News > Colombia

Well-Known Peasant Leader Murdered in Segovia, Colombia

  • Candles for Marcos Fidel Jiménez Bohórquez. Aug. 23, 2023.

    Candles for Marcos Fidel Jiménez Bohórquez. Aug. 23, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@teleSURtv

Published 23 August 2023

"This leader was kidnapped and later murdered on the road between Sancho Quemado and Mina Nueva..."

On Tuesday, The Institute of Studies for Development and Peace of Colombia (Indepaz) denounced the murder of a well-known farmer leader in the Peasant Reserve Zone of the Cimitarra River Valley, in Segovia, department of Antioquia.

80 Social Leaders Killed in Colombia So Far in 2023 -Indepaz

According to the entity, the murdered leader was named Marcos Fidel Jiménez Bohórquez, and he was also part of the conciliation committee of the Junta de Acción Comunal (JAC) of the village of La Poza in the municipality of Cantagallo, Bolívar.

"This leader was kidnapped and later murdered on the road between Sancho Quemado and Mina Nueva, in the municipality of Segovia, Antioquia," Indepaz detailed in the statement.

Likewise, the Ombudsman's Office issued Early Warning (EW) 023/22 which includes the municipality of Segovia, EW 025/20 for Cantagallo and EW 019/23 for leaders and human rights defenders where the risk scenario is present.

He was a recognized peasant leader in the Peasant Reserve Zone of the Cimitarra River Valley, was part of the conciliation committee of the JAC of La Poza in the municipality of Cantagallo, Bolívar, and of the  @ACVCRAN

For its part, the Peasant Association of the Cimitarra River Valley National Agroecological Network (ACVC-RAN) also denounced the kidnapping and murder of Jiménez Bohórquez.

"These unacceptable criminal acts deepen the humanitarian crisis that we suffer in our territory due to the violent and indiscriminate action of illegal armed groups against the civilian population, violating Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, and generating fear and consternation in the peasant population," said the ACVC-RAN in a statement.

In this sense, they urged respect for life, liberty and Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law as a real possibility to advance towards a stable and lasting peace in Colombia.

According to Indepaz, the murder of Jiménez Bohórquez is the 1,524th leader killed since the signing of the agreement, and the 110th registered so far in 2023.

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