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News > Latin America

Venezuela: Authorities Announce Barinas State Election Results

  • National Electoral Council (CNE) headquarters behind the Venezuelan flag, 2022.

    National Electoral Council (CNE) headquarters behind the Venezuelan flag, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @NicmerEvans

Published 9 January 2022

According to the first official bulletin, the opposition politician Sergio Garrido becomes the new governor with 51 percent of citizen participation.

On Sunday night, the regional authorities of the National Electoral Council (CNE) announced the results of the elections for governor in the state of Barinas.


Venezuelan Opposition Withholds Barinas State Government

With 97.40 percent of the voting records counted up to that moment, the votes were distributed as follows: 55.36 percent for Sergio Garrido of the Democratic Unity Table (MUD); 41.27 percent for Jorge Arreaza, the Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) candidate; 1.77 percent for Claudio Fermin of the Democratic Alliance party, and 1.60 percent for the rest of the candidates.

Barinas has 607,642 registered voters. As of shortly before midnight on Sunday, authorities had officially counted 311,595 votes, which is equivalent to 51.89 percent of previously expected citizen participation.

On Jan. 9, the CNE completed the 2021 subnational elections calendar, in compliance with the regulations in force in this South American nation.

The Barinas elections were part of the democratic process that took place on November 21, when Venezuelans went to the polls to elect regional lawmakers and governors.

Garrido's triumph once again confirms the transparency of Bolivarian electoral procedures, which have been audited repeatedly by national and international experts over the last years.

Currently, the leftist forces following Commander Hugo Chavez' legacy continue to be the leading actors in subnational politics. The opposition organizations that participated in the 2021 electoral process only managed to win 4 out of 23 Venezuelan states, namely, Barinas, Cojedes, Nueva Esparta, and Zulia.

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