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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Appoints New Bolivia Ambassador, Makes Cabinet Shifts

  • President Nicolás Maduro announced the appointment of Tibisay Lucena as Minister of People's Power for University Education, replacing César Trompiz.

    President Nicolás Maduro announced the appointment of Tibisay Lucena as Minister of People's Power for University Education, replacing César Trompiz. | Photo: Twitter/@PsuvMirandaVE

Published 20 October 2021

This Tuesday, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, appointed as new Bolivarian ambassador to the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the former Minister for University Education, César Trompiz.

Trompiz was replaced earlier by Tibisay Lucena, who will continue to head the National Experimental University of the Arts (Unearte), Maduro said when announcing other changes in the Government.

He also appointed as new Minister for National Commerce, Dheliz Alvarez, replacing Eneida Laya.


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The President also announced the appointment of Johana Carrillo as new executive secretary of the Movement We Are Venezuela Government and head of the Missions and Great Missions.

Carrillo was previously Vice-Minister of Housing, while Jessica Bello is now the head of the Great Youth Chamba Mission.

"President @NicolasMaduro: I express my gratitude to Eneida Laya and César Trompiz for their work and dedication during this time. Our homeland recognizes their loyalty, vocation and work. New responsibilities will come soon."

Maduro also stated that "very interesting announcements will be made soon regarding the Carnet de la Patria."

At the head of the National Sports Institute (IND), the President appointed Ninoksa Clocier, an athlete of the national women's volleyball team.

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