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News > Venezuela

UN Decides to Send Panel of Electoral Experts to Venezuela

  • The election day on November 21 will be used to elect the 23 governors and 335 mayors of the country, as well as the members of the Legislative Councils and Municipal Councils.

    The election day on November 21 will be used to elect the 23 governors and 335 mayors of the country, as well as the members of the Legislative Councils and Municipal Councils. | Photo: Twitter/@telesurenglish

Published 15 October 2021

The international organization will deploy a team of three experts to the regional and municipal elections scheduled for next November 21.

The United Nations (UN) confirmed this Friday that it will send to Venezuela a Panel of Electoral Experts to accompany the November 21 elections.

In a press release dated Thursday, the United Nations Secretariat announced that it conducted a technical evaluation of the request of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) and decided to respond positively to it.


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As a result, a team of three experts will be deployed in November for the regional and municipal elections. The text adds that this mission will monitor the process and will provide the Secretary General, António Guterres, with an independent and internal report on the general development of the elections.

The note clarifies that this "is one of the various types of electoral assistance that the United Nations can provide to Member States that request it".

"The United Nations Secretariat has decided to respond positively to the Venezuelan National Electoral Council's request for the deployment of a UN Panel of Electoral Experts for the November regional and municipal elections."

Furthermore, it specifies that "unlike UN electoral observation missions, which require a specific mandate from the Security Council or the General Assembly, the Electoral Expert Panels do not issue public evaluative statements on the overall conduct of the electoral process or its results".

The election day of November 21 will be used to elect the 23 governors and 335 mayors of the country, as well as the members of the Legislative Councils and Municipal Councils.

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