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News > Venezuela

President Maduro Analyzes Cooperation With Azerbaijan Leader

  • President Nicolas Maduro (L) visits the Alley of Martyrs in Baku, Azerbaijan, June 17, 2022.

    President Nicolas Maduro (L) visits the Alley of Martyrs in Baku, Azerbaijan, June 17, 2022. | Photo: Prensa Presidencial

Published 17 June 2022

The meeting between Maduro and Aliyev took place amid a climate of trust and optimism about the prospects for the development of bilateral relations between their nations.

During a videoconference held on Friday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro and Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev evaluated the bilateral cooperation between their countries in the context of the working visit that the Bolivarian leader is carrying out in that Asian nation.


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Both leaders met virtually given that some members of the Venezuelan delegation tested positive for the COVID-19. The Maduro-Aliyev meeting took place amid a climate of trust and optimism about the prospects for the development of relations between the two nations.

The Bolivarian leader expressed his satisfaction for his third visit to Azerbaijan and stressed that Venezuela attaches great importance to relations with this former Soviet republic. Maduro also praised the multilateral work carried out by the Aliyev administration, especially in relation to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

Venezuela supports Azerbaijan in the one-year extension of its NAM presidency since this country is committed to the Bandung Principles that inspire non-aligned nations.

For his part, President Aliyev stressed that Venezuela always supported the solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict within parameters of respect for his country's territorial integrity. Fortunately, this conflict has already been resolved by "restoring justice and international law."

"Our countries have always supported and will continue to support each other's sovereignty and independence," Azerbaijan president pointed out, recalling the importance of fostering bilateral ties by expanding economic cooperation.

As part of his official visit, Maduro left a wreath at the tomb of the founder of the Azerbaijan's modern state, Heydar Aliyvev, who marked the destinies of this Eurasian country for 30 years.

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