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News > Peru

Peru to Combat Food Crisis

  • During the ceremony of the Battle of Arica, the Peruvian president commented on the measures to take to strike the food crisis. Jun. 7, 2022.

    During the ceremony of the Battle of Arica, the Peruvian president commented on the measures to take to strike the food crisis. Jun. 7, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@presidenciaperu

Published 7 June 2022

On Tuesday, the Peruvian president said that the country's government would work on establishing multisectoral measures to reduce the impact of the world food crisis.

Pedro Castillo, Peru's President, said that authorities are working to implement multisectoral measures and take strategic steps intended to combat the world food crisis in the country.

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During the ceremony honoring the 142nd anniversary of the Battle of Arica and the Renewal of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Peruvian head of state said that his administration continues working hard to overcome the country's inequalities.

Lay the foundations for the objectives of defeating the COVID-19 pandemic, providing security, and strengthening the primary care level in terms of health are among the objectives that the Peruvian Government seeks to achieve with these measures to implement.

"And we are committed to doing so with a social vocation, with a decentralized approach, and listening to and making decisions with the people," said President Castillo. He added that he seeks "to address all compatriots to reaffirm that this administration has come (to power) to achieve the objectives of a country agenda for the benefit of all Peruvians. I call for the broadest unity to look to the future with faith and hope while setting aside political ambition or power."

During the activity, the Head of State, Pedro Castillo, said that the Government is working multisectoral to face the world food crisis and guarantee food security for the benefit of all Peruvians.

He took the chance to extend its support to the Army and the Armed Forces, what he described as the guardianship institutions of the homeland which have always defended the country's sacred interests.

"Today, in front of the immortal figure of Colonel Francisco Bolognesi and, in the presence of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, we renew the pledge of allegiance to the national flag, the most sacred of our symbols, which represents the spirit of the nation, our riches, struggles, hopes, and illusions," added Castillo.

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