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Peru: Hearings for Fujimori’s Forced Sterilizations Resume

  • Indigenous women protesting against forced sterilizations, Peru, 2021.

    Indigenous women protesting against forced sterilizations, Peru, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @France24_es

Published 14 September 2021

Between 1996 and 2000, forced sterilizations were applied to thousands of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous women.

On Tuesday, the Peruvian Transitory Supraprovincial Criminal Court for Organized Crime will resume the hearings for the 'Forced Sterilizations' case, which involves ex-dictator Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000).


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Milton Campos, a lawyer for DEMUS, a Peruvian feminist organization, indicated that over 180 elements presented by the Public Prosecutor's Office would demonstrate the existence of sufficient evidence to initiate proceedings against the perpetrators.

The Public Prosecutor's Office presented a formal accusation against Fujimori and his former health ministers Eduardo Yong, Marino Costa Bauer, and Alejandro Aguinaga. Other people implicated in this case include Marino Costa, Segundo Aliaga, Enrique Marroquin, Magda Gonzales, and Ulises Aguilar.

Between 1996 and 2000, forced sterilizations were applied to thousands of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous women who lived in rural and urban low-income areas.

Fujimori sterilized at least 270,000 women against their will "as a measure to combat hyperinflation," Mision Verdad outlet recalled, adding that that surgical practice was preceded by promises to offer them dentures, glasses and food.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) also held a public hearing in March about this case. The hearing dealt with the murder of Celia Ramos, a woman from Piura who died as a result of forced sterilization. The IACHR heard the case in 2019, eleven years after DEMUS presented a petition.

During the 2021 presidential campaign, Keiko Fujimori, the dictator's daughter, denied that her father was behind a campaign of mass sterilization. According to this neoliberal politician, the Fujimori regime only carried out "family planning" policies.

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