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News > Latin America

'People Are Rising up Against Neoliberalism': Maduro

  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro joined his Cuban counterpart Miguel Diaz Canel and Raul Castro at the closing ceremony of the III Anti-Imperialist Congress against Neoliberalism.

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro joined his Cuban counterpart Miguel Diaz Canel and Raul Castro at the closing ceremony of the III Anti-Imperialist Congress against Neoliberalism. | Photo: Nicolas Maduro Twitter

Published 3 November 2019

Maduro went on to say that although neoliberalism seems to have taken the reins in Latin America, it is exciting to observe people rising against such a system.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro celebrated in his closing statement at the III Anti-Imperialist Congress against Neoliberalism held in Cuba Sunday, that people from across the region are rising against “savage capitalism” especially the neoliberal model pushed by the International Monetary Fund. 

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"It was Cuba that summoned the world to debate, to study, to unmask the policies of financial domination of the International Monetary Fund ... Cuba occupies a primary role for the unity of the people," the head of state stated in the presence of his Cuban counterpart Miguel Diaz Canel and the First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party Raul Castro.

Maduro went on to say that although neoliberalism seems to have taken the reins in Latin America, it is exciting to observe the Chilean people rising against a constitution forged by the Pinochet’s dictatorship.

"There is a general insurgency of the people against the model of exclusion, privatization, impoverishment, the individualism of the savage neoliberal capitalism of the International Monetary Fund," added the Venezuelan president.

More than 1,000 delegates from 95 countries attended the event to meet and discuss six main themes such as solidarity with Cuba, people before free trade and transnational corporations, decolonization, cultural warfare, strategic communication, and social struggle.

They also discussed youth strategies for the continuity of struggles, democracy, sovereignty and anti-imperialism;  as well as and integration, identities, and common struggles.

During the event’s closing statements, the Cuban head of state also expressed his country’s will to fight “imperial policies...which are aimed at legitimizing the injustices of the capitalist system and disqualifying leftist alternatives and destroying our cultural identity.”

Both Maduro and Diaz Canel recalled their nation’s alternative projects to capitalism. 

"In Venezuela, an alternative project to neoliberalism will never be reversed. The Bolivarian Revolution emerged as an early response to demonstrate that a society can be built that guarantees social rights to its people," said Maduro.

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