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News > Mexico

Mexico Supports Farmers To Face The COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador addresses the press during the conference from Sinaloa province

    Andrés Manuel López Obrador addresses the press during the conference from Sinaloa province | Photo: EFE/ Presidencia de Mexico

Published 5 August 2020

AMLO's administration has declared food production as one of its priorities alongside improving the live conditions of farmers.

Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced on Wednesday more subsidies for agriculture to strengthen the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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The President stressed that food supplies were maintained despite the crisis unleashed by the pandemic." We have not suffered from a lack of food. We do not have to worry; there is no fear because people will have resources for their food. There will be no hunger," AMLO assured during a press conference in Sinaloa province.

He also said that he would grant more subsidies to the corn and wheat producers of Sinaloa. This adds to the over 18 000 producers currently in the price guarantee program, which represents an investment of more than 1 million Mexican pesos ($44.727).

AMLO's administration has declared food production as one of its priorities alongside improving the live conditions of farmers.

"Morning press conference, from Culiacán, Sinaloa."

Last year during his first Government Report, Obrador said that the Well-Being Program, aimed at farmers across the nation, provided financial support for 1 million 500 smallholders, including members of Indigenous communities and producers of sugar, cane, and coffee.

Today the President explained that amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the remittances had played a significant role in continuing food production. So far, 37 billion dollars have been received, mainly from Mexican in the U.S. who are supporting about 10 million families, particularly small farmers.

On the other hand, AMLO said that in the next three months, over 26.000 loans of 25.000 Mexican pesos ($1118.0) would be granted to small business people both in the formal and informal sectors.

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