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News > Mexico

Mexico: AMLO Announces Visit of US Vice-President Kamala Harris

  • The president of Mexico said this Wednesday that he will hold a meeting on June 8 with the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris to discuss migration issues.

    The president of Mexico said this Wednesday that he will hold a meeting on June 8 with the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris to discuss migration issues. | Photo: Twitter/@enteratee24

Published 5 May 2021

The Mexican president also announced that next Friday, he will again address immigration with Harris virtually.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) informed this Wednesday that the vice-president of the United States, Kamala Harris, will visit Mexico in the first days of June, while he said that next Friday he will hold a new telephone conversation with the vice-president.

From the usual venue of the press conference with the media, the National Palace, AMLO said that Harris would visit Mexico around June 8, once the municipal and legislative elections are held in the nation on June 6.


AMLO and Harris to Talk COVID-19 and Immigration on May 7

He added that they plan to have another telephone conversation next Friday about migration issues and proposals to address the current problems regarding immigration.

The Head of State reiterated his proposal to address the causes of the phenomenon, for which it is necessary to invest in the southern region of the country and in Central America, a task which also falls onto the President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, who is visiting Mexico in these days.

He considered it essential to extend programs such as "Sembrando Vida" and "Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro" to Central American countries, whose situation worsened after the 2020 floods.

These programs are implemented in Mexico and provide training and employment opportunities for young people, who, through their work, also help reforest the rainforest and address climate change.

"Mexico's President @lopezobrador_ informed that the US @VP Kamala Harris will visit the country on June 8. The meeting on Friday, May 7 will be virtual. They will address the migration issue and the development of Central America."

He stressed that creating work opportunities and hope must be generated for those who live in this region so that they wish to remain in the place where they were born and be happy where their families and culture are.

He also stated that North America would continue to need migrant labor for the growth of its economy. In this sense, he urged to think about the value of temporary visa programs, such as the one applied by Canada.

He recalled that many Mexican day laborers travel to U.S. and Canadian farms for six months and then return to work their land.

AMLO considered that the migratory problem would not be solved with coercive measures but with social investment, eradicating poverty, and creating opportunities.

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