On Wednesday, the Italian Supreme Court confirmed a life imprisonment sentence for Peruvian Dictator Francisco Morales (1975-1980), who ordered the murder of two Italo-Argentines as part of the counterinsurgency operation Condor Plan.
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The victims were Montoneros guerrilla militant Lorenzo Viñas and student leader Horacio Campiglia, both of whom disappeared in 1980. After this judgment, the Italian justice must request the formal extradition of Morales, who ousted the leftist President Juan Velasco (1968-1975) through a coup d'état.
In a book on Operation Condor published in Italy, researcher Stella Calloni recalled the U.S.-backed Plan Condor covered several Latin American countries. In Argentina, for example, there was a systematic plan to keep pregnant political prisoners alive until the time of delivery. After the birth, the military kept the children and "transferred" the mothers, that is, they disappeared them.
"There is an abundance of literature describing the seedy dump of thugs, extortionists, paramilitaries, and thieves that Washington had fashioned and that Ronald Reagan would later call 'freedom fighters'," Calloni pointed out.
The tweet reads,"Operation Condor: the Kaibiles, the terrible military commandos that devastated Guatemala, were trained in the United States. Stella Calloni."
The Italian investigations into the appalling strategy started 20 years ago after the complaints lodged in this country by the relatives of fellow citizens who were killed or disappeared.
In 2007, Italy requested the arrest of 146 military members of the military regimes from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In July 2021, it confirmed the penalty of life imprisonment for fourteen of them.
"This is an important step on the way to learn the truth about the criminal agreement and ensure that these actions never recur," said Arturo Salerni, lawyer of the relatives of the victims.