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News > Argentina

Argentineans to Hold Vigil in Support of Safe Abortion Bill

  • Women demand safe abortion law in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 11, 2020

    Women demand safe abortion law in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 11, 2020 | Photo: Twitter/ @AberdeenSwp

Published 29 December 2020

This Tuesday, the Senate will decide whether Argentina will become one of the few Latin American countries in legalizing safe abortion.

Argentina's feminist movements Tuesday called for a vigil in front of Congress to accompany the Senate vote on the Safe Abortion bill.


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The vote, which will begin on Tuesday afternoon and end on Wednesday morning, will also be accompanied by anti-abortion demonstrations. 

The square in front of the Congress will be divided with a fence. The left side will be set for women's rights activists, while the right side will be for those that oppose to safe, legal, and free abortion.

During the session, the "green" scenario, the color that identifies those who support legalization, "will transmit live senators' main interventions," a feminist activist Yanina Waldhorn informed.

At 19h00 local time, a simultaneous handkerchief ceremony will occur throughout the country and in different cities in Spain, Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Belgium, Bolivia, and Mexico. 
Two hours later, the green stage will have press conferences and live music. During the vigil, the Red Cross will set up booths for hydration, distribute masks, and provide alcohol gel.
If the Senate passes the law, Argentina will become one of the few Latin American countries in legalizing safe and abortion, along with Uruguay, Cuba, Guyana, and Mexico.


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