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Egypt: The Future of Al-Sisi Reign

  •  Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi, current president of Egypt. Jul. 25. 2023.

    Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi, current president of Egypt. Jul. 25. 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@fpinterrupted

Published 25 July 2023

The Homeland Defenders' “Hamata Al-Watan” centrist political party, founded in 2013 by a group of retired officers, calls on the Egyptian president to announce his candidacy for a new term and stresses the necessity of patriotic alignment behind him. Opponents warn of the dangers of the disintegration of the state and call on the regime to face the hour of truth and apologize to the people.

With the presidential elections due at the end of this year, the Egyptian political scene has become more heated and complex amid severe economic crises. Under these circumstances, many politicians point out the sense of danger and the necessity to confront it before it is too late.

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Amr Suleiman, spokesman for the “Hamat al-Watan” party, which had always supported Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi, said that the position of the upcoming elections and the party’s role as part of its political responsibilities in society were discussed at the executive office meeting.

He added during the interview with Anadolu news agency that the party, with the unanimous consent of the participants, reached several decisions, among them inviting the President to announce his candidacy for a new term as president of Egypt. He also insisted on the need to harness all the capabilities, efforts, and human resources and open all headquarters nationwide for the electoral campaign to support President Al-Sisi.

Amr Suleiman called on the masses of citizens to line up behind the political leadership and support Al-Sisi in the upcoming elections for a new term.

Suleiman declared it explicitly: “We will not enter the presidential elections with a candidate, because our President sacrificed himself in making the decision towards the dark-minded group, and therefore he sided with the people of Egypt to spread stability throughout the country.”

He added that President Al-Sisi succeeded in restoring Egypt to its natural position among the countries of the world, especially on the Arab and African levels. He highlighted the state’s march in development and construction processes, stressing that Al-Sisi was able to cross Egypt to safety despite the economic challenges resulting from global crises, as well as confronting attempts to stalk the country by some groups.

Suleiman concluded that the President's directives had launched many health initiatives, including "the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic; the comprehensive health insurance project." He also referred to the "unprecedented success in eliminating slums and expanding the establishment of new towns."

On the other hand, the Egyptian dissident Dr. Muhammad Abu al-Ghar, one of the leaders of the civil movement, warned of the dangers of the disintegration of the state, pointing out that what the Egyptian regime is doing is taking rapid steps to state collapse.

Abu al-Ghar added on his Facebook account that the electricity outages were expected and known when the decision was taken to export the gas needed to operate the stations in exchange for dollars to pay off debts.

Abu al-Ghar pointed out that the disastrous policy of importing power plants without the need for half of them in return for loans from German banks clarified the size of the miserable economic policy. According to him, this is the result of not conducting feasibility studies.

Abu al-Ghar said that the demand now is for the state leadership to announce that it made a mistake in the policy of loans. He stressed that the Al-Sisi government made a mistake in a large part of the administrative capital. Abu al-Ghar denounced what he called “the laws of detention and trials with the medieval system” that imprisoned tens of thousands of those who did not carry weapons and did not incite violence. He added that this government made a mistake in its foreign policy regarding the Nile River and in its policy with Arab countries.

Abu al-Ghar criticized the regime for seeking help from “people of confidence and neglecting people of expertise”, pointing out that “the capital has been destroyed, and no one knows how we will pay off the debts.”

Abu al-Ghar concluded, calling on the Egyptian regime to face the truth by apologizing to the people first and then releasing freedoms and opinions so that those with good opinions and not the "traditionalists" can say how to get out of the calamity as a homeland and forget the individuals' interests.

In the same context, Ahmed Al-Tantawi, the potential presidential candidate, said that the current collapse pushes the homeland into an upcoming explosion, stressing that "our duty towards our beloved homeland and our great people is to anticipate that ominous fate through peaceful and safe change, in the framework of a civil and democratic alternative to building a state of law and institutions."

Considering the panorama, all evidence confirms that in the coming days Egypt's summer will be blazing and hot.

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