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News > Cuba

Cubans Celebrate the 65th Anniversary of their Revolution

  • Fidel Castro (C), January 1959.

    Fidel Castro (C), January 1959. | Photo: X/ @CubaSolidarity

Published 1 January 2024

"The revolutionaries have not reached this 65th anniversary to surrender and hand over their flag," President Diaz-Canel stressed.

On January 1, Cubans celebrate the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the revolution led by Commander Fidel Castro against the U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista.


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The Cuban people and government celebrate this historic milestone with various events. At the first minute on Monday, the Cuban flag was hoisted in several cities, including Santiago, where the triumph of the Cuban Revolution was announced to the world in 1959.

Authorities and residents of Santiago will visit the Santa Ifigenia cemetery, where a tribute will be paid to the Revolution's founding fathers of at Commander Fidel Castro's monument.

The central event of the commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the revolutionary triumph is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM local time.

"Cuba celebrates with joy the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the revolution. This is the Revolution that grows in the face of adversities and will continue moving forward, despite an inhumane blockade, with the determination of Cubans to never falter," Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on Sunday.

"The revolutionaries have not reached this 65th anniversary to surrender and hand over their flag," President Miguel Diaz-Canel said in his New Year's message on Sunday.

"The secret of the Revolution to endure all adversities has been the popular participation in a unique history of resistance and creativity, with firm leadership, and a set of principles as a foundation," he added.


Fidel Castro
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