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News > Cuba

Cuba: Signing of New Agreement Strengthens Ties With France

  • Cuba and France signed six cooperation instruments at the ending of the Bilateral Economic and Commercial Commission. Dec. 14, 2021.

    Cuba and France signed six cooperation instruments at the ending of the Bilateral Economic and Commercial Commission. Dec. 14, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/@R_Malmierca

Published 14 December 2021

On Tuesday, the governments of France and Cuba signed six cooperation instruments, strengthening their relations.

Cuba and France signed six cooperation deals at the Bilateral Economic and Commercial Commission's ending held in the French Foreign Ministry's headquarters.


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The meeting was headed by Rodrigo Malmierca, Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, and Franck Riester, the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness.

Notifications for the approval of financing from the Counter value Fund in Cuba's agricultural and hydraulic resources sectors were presented.

The government also signed two more agreements on health care in Cuba and some other deals with the French Development Agency (AFD) in the agricultural sector.

A virtual Summit on December 9 and 10 was designed by the US government without any benefit or proposal to solve problems facing the international community. Purely demagogic exercise. CubaVive. NoMasBloqueo.

These instruments will boost the two countries relationship and France's positioning among Cuba's partners, setting aside the extraterritorial impact and intensification of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

Before the 6th Bilateral Economic and Commercial Commission, Malmierca and Riester held a meeting to discuss the progress of relations and work plans for the 2022 Agenda.

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