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News > Honduras

Court Upholds Extradition of Former Honduran President to US

  • The defense of former president Juan Orlando Hernández is analyzing whether or not they will present an appeal for reinstatement before the Constitutional Chamber. April. 7, 2022.

    The defense of former president Juan Orlando Hernández is analyzing whether or not they will present an appeal for reinstatement before the Constitutional Chamber. April. 7, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@@VTVcanal8

Published 7 April 2022

On Wednesday, the Honduran Supreme Court ratified the extradition to the U.S. of former president Juan Orlando Hernández after rejecting an appeal by his lawyers to impede his extradition. 

The date of extradition of Juan Orlando Hernández will depend on whether the former president's defense files a request for reinstatement before the Constitutional Chamber.

Honduran Supreme Court Opens Evidence Hearing Against Hernandez

The spokesman of the Supreme Court of Justice, Melvin Duarte, said that the Constitutional Chamber resolves to declare as inadmissible the guarantee of protection filed by the defense attorneys of Juan Orlando Hernandez, adding that this resolution has been already notified and the corresponding certifications are issued.

According to the official, the appeal of the defense of Juan Orlando Hernandez was declared inadmissible because the Chamber found that the appellants were alleging issues of mere legality. 

In this regard, Duarte said that the issues of mere legality are situations raised by the appellants and which the Chamber considers that since they do not fall within the scope of constitutional justice, they are outside the analysis of said Chamber. 

This Thursday, the defense of former president Juan Orlando Hernández will analyze whether or not they will present an appeal for reconsideration before the Constitutional Chamber.

Melvin Duarte said that after the ruling of the Constitutional Chamber, the lawyers of the former president might file an appeal for reconsideration, which should be presented before the same Chamber within 24 hours from the moment they were notified.

The date of extradition of Juan Orlando Hernández will now depend on the course of the reinstatement process. Some lawyers agree that the former president could be handed over to the U.S. authorities in Tegucigalpa this week.

On February 14, the U.S. requested the Honduran authorities to remand the former president in custody for extradition purposes, accusing him of three charges related to drug trafficking and the use of weapons.

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