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News > Colombia

Colombia: Senators File Censure Motion Against Defense Minister

  • U.S. Security Force Assistance Brigade in Colombia, August 28, 2020.

    U.S. Security Force Assistance Brigade in Colombia, August 28, 2020. | Photo: Twitter/ @TaskAmericas

Published 9 September 2020

The U.S. military presence seeks to foster an eventual confrontation with Venezuela and to create alliances with far-right paramilitary groups.

Leftist senators Tuesday proposed a censure motion against Defense Minister Carlos Trujillo who must answer for the illegal actions and falsehoods through which he allowed the return of the U.S. Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) to Colombian territory.


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Alternative Democratic Pole Party (PDA) Senator Jorge Robledo pointed out this decision was taken after Trujillo lied to the country, tried to mislead the Senate, and violated a court decision to suspend the U.S. troops’ activities in the national territory.

“A person with those serious ethical issues cannot be our country’s Defense Minister, someone who must display dignity and truthfulness,” Robledo added.

PDA Senator Ivan Cepeda stated that the presence of foreign troops prevents the implementation of the 2016 Peace Agreement by turning subnational territories into theaters of war, which foreshadows aggression against farmers and Indigenous peoples.

Senators also affirmed that the U.S. military presence seeks to foster an eventual confrontation with Venezuela and to create alliances with far-right paramilitary groups.

In July, the Cundinamarca Administrative Court ordered President Ivan Duque’s administration to suspend the SFAB activities in Colombia after several senators’ complaints.

On August 27, however, the right-wing regime authorized the return of U.S. troops without previously requesting the Senate’s approval, which was a clear abuse of power.

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