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News > Colombia

Colombia: Police Arrests Mercenaries Linked To Gedeon Operation

  • During two years Venezuela offered precise information regarding the terrorists plans yet Colombia´s authorities

    During two years Venezuela offered precise information regarding the terrorists plans yet Colombia´s authorities "never lifted a finger. | Photo: Twitter/ @latablog

Published 3 September 2020

Although the mercenaries that carried out the failed coup were summoned by Juan Guaidó to go to Colombia and receive training there, Colombia's government argues that the citizens "were creating deserters military groups in Colombia to destabilize different institutions in the country."

Colombian authorities announced on Thursday the capture of four Venezuelans directly involved in the failed coup plot, dubbed "Operation Gedeon," against President Nicolás Maduro. At the same time, Colombia's President Iván Duque tried to put a spin on the announcement by saying Maduro's government allegedly financed them. This to distort the evidence presented by Venezuela on Colombia's role in the coup attempt.


Gedeon Operation: Venezuela Sends Letter To US Congress

Following the pronouncement, Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced Duque's statement arguing that during two years, Venezuela offered precise information regarding the terrorist's plan. Yet, Colombia's authorities "never lifted a finger."

Furthermore, "the Colombian intelligence authorities courteously accompanied their partner Cliver Alcalá to the US VIP plane and sent him away with hugs. Today they request him to face justice, next to the American mercenary Jordan Goudreau," Arreaza explained.

On the other hand, the head of Colombia's Police, Óscar Atheortúa, reported that during an operation named Santa Ana, four criminals were captured in the national territory. Moreover, "their capture is related to the participation and the conformation of Venezuelan Military groups in Colombian territory with the purpose of training for illicit activities," Atheortúa said.

"Over a year, these citizens created deserters military groups in Colombia to destabilize different institutions in Colombia as well as making contact with counterintelligence men and women to leak information to the neighbor country (Venezuela)," Colombia's police chief added.

"What audacity from @IvanDuque. Now it turns out that the mercenary Venezuelan deserters were going to destabilize Colombia. For two years, we gave them accurate information on terrorist operations, and they never lifted a finger. They protected them. And so they pay those traitors."

Local news outlets in Colombia report that Yacsi Alexandra Álvarez, Rayder Alexander Russo, and brothers Juvenal and José Sequea Torres were the "intellectual authors" of the Gedeon Operation. A woman, Yacsi Alexandra Álvarez, was the translator for U.S special forces Jordan Guy Goudreau, owner of private security company Silvercorp USA which was used to buy weapons and recruit Venezuelan ex-soldiers.

Goudreau had revealed on May 3 the plan to enter Venezuela and destabilize the country and that his plan was coordinated with Venezuela's opposition lawmaker Juan Guaidó for a price of $212 million.

Colombia's government has repeatedly claimed they had nothing to do with the failed coup. Nevertheless, Venezuela's Vice President for Communications Jorge Rodríguez pointed on May 23 that Colombia's government provided safe routes for the mercenaries, implemented by Los Pachencas criminal group.

The mercenaries that carried out the coup were summoned to go to Colombia by Juan Guaidó to go and receive training there. On January 19, 2020, Guaidó was welcomed in Colombia by President Iván Duque to participate in a series of meetings, including one with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The Gedeon Operation took place from May 3, 2020, when the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), together with the Special Actions Forces (FAES) of the Bolivarian National Police, intercepted an incursion by the sea that had destabilizing objectives in the South American country.



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