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News > Venezuela

China and Venezuela Strengthen Comprehensive Strategic Alliance

  • Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza in The Hague, Netherlands, February 13, 2020.

    Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza in The Hague, Netherlands, February 13, 2020. | Photo: EFE

Published 4 September 2020

So far, their bilateral cooperation has resulted in over 500 joint projects in various economic activities.

During a videoconference between the highest representatives of their foreign affairs ministries, Venezuela and China announced that they will strengthen their comprehensive strategic alliance to face contemporary development problems in both nations.


US Pressure Strategy Against Venezuela Fails, Arreaza Says

"We reject hegemonic aggressions and reaffirm our confidence in multilateralism," Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Arreaza said, adding the U.S. attempts to reintroduce the Monroe Doctrine in Latin America will fail.

China's Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi stated that his country supports international justice and is unconditionally on the side of the Venezuelan people.

"Any external interference runs contrary to the will of the people, and will not be sustainable," Wang said, as reported by Xinhua.

"China believes that Venezuela has the ability and wisdom to resolve the problems it faces through domestic dialogue and China is willing to play a constructive role in this regard."

He also highlighted that Venezuela faces the challenges of preventing and controlling the pandemic amidst the U.S. interference on its domestic affairs.

So far, the strategic alliance between China and Venezuela has resulted in over 500 joint projects in various economic activities.

Arreaza and Wang also referred to their joint efforts to rebuild the ancient Silk Road, which will bring development and shared prosperity for both countries.

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