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China: Intl. Law Is Not Dictated by a Certain Clique

  • A Chinese spokesperson said that the International law should not be defined by a certain bloc. Apr. 28, 2022.

    A Chinese spokesperson said that the International law should not be defined by a certain bloc. Apr. 28, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@globaltimesnews

Published 28 April 2022

A Chinese FM spokesperson said that a particular clique or bloc does not define international laws on Thursday.

On Thursday, Wang Wenbin, a Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, said that rules running the International Community should be based on the purposes and principles established in the UN Charter, not the ones to be imposed by a certain clique or bloc.

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The Chinese Spokesrson's comments came as a response to British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss' statements, criticizing Beijing for not denouncing the Russian special military operation on Ukrainian soil while saying that China's position as a world superpower would be affected by its failure to play by global rules.

Referring to the British official mentioning NATO during her statements, the Chinese spokesperson said that the North Atlantic Organization should make some adjustments according to the current times, as Cold War was over long ago. He added that NATO had been used by some countries seeking hegemony, as they hold the old security concept, consisting in bloc confrontation, having; as a result, disturbances across the globe.

According to Wang, the Bloc demands the accomplishment of the basic norms of international relations from other countries. At the same time, the bloc itself has waged wars and shilled sovereign states, killing and displacing innocent civilians.

"NATO has messed up Europe. Is it now trying to mess up the Asia-Pacific and even the world? " said Wang referring to NATO's intromission in recent years in the Asia-Pacific region for spreading conflicts.

"We always make independent judgments based on the merits of each matter," he added, making clear China's position regarding the Ukrainian military conflict.


Wang Wenbin
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