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News > China

China Calls on G20 Countries Not to Hoard COVID-19 Vaccines

  • Woman receives a COVID-19 vaccine, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 25, 2021.

    Woman receives a COVID-19 vaccine, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 25, 2021. | Photo: EFE

Published 29 June 2021

Foreign Affairs Minister Wang recalled that the G20 "should lead by example" and strengthen multilateral actions and institutions.

To avoid widening the gap between rich and poor countries, China's Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday called on the G20 nations not to monopolize the COVID-19 vaccines.


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"G20 members should persevere in cooperation and lead the global fight against the pandemic. China calls on countries capable of providing vaccines to avoid vaccine export restrictions or excessive hoarding," Wang said at his virtual communication to the G20 meeting, which is being held in Matera, Italy.

"So far, China has provided over 450 million vaccines to nearly 100 countries," Wang pointed out, adding that "all parties should respond to the pandemic in a scientific way and provide more support for developing countries.

The Chinese minister recalled that the G20 "should lead by example" and strengthen multilateral actions and institutions.

"Multilateralism is not a grandiloquent slogan or packaging for unilateralism. It is about protecting the international system with the United Nations at the center or adhering to openness and tolerance in the face of exclusive policies," Wang explained.

During his speech, he also advocated building an open global economy that maintains the stability of supply chains, avoids fragmentation of the international market, and abolishes the politicization of cooperation mechanisms.

The Matera meeting is being attended by 32 delegations, including representatives from multilateral institutions such as the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP).


Wang Yi
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