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China: Arming Ukraine, Sanctioning Russia Will Not Bring Peace

  • China FM Wang Yi said in an online meeting with the BRICS that China hopes Russia and Ukraine will overcome difficulties and continue their talks, calling on NATO and the EU to conduct an all-round dialogue with Russia.

    China FM Wang Yi said in an online meeting with the BRICS that China hopes Russia and Ukraine will overcome difficulties and continue their talks, calling on NATO and the EU to conduct an all-round dialogue with Russia. | Photo: Twitter @WorldCNA

Published 19 May 2022

China rejects the West's policy of sending arms to Kiev and imposing sanctions on Russia and urges resumption of negotiations on the crisis in Ukraine.


"Stuffing Ukraine with weapons and sanctioning Russia will not solve the security crisis in Europe," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during a virtual meeting of the foreign ministers of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).


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At the meeting the Chinese FM recalled that "China's position has always been consistent and focused on the need to promote reconciliation and facilitate negotiations".

In this framework, the senior Chinese diplomat reiterated Beijing's rejection of the "weaponization" of the world economy and deplored foreign attempts to "add fuel to the fire" in the Ukrainian conflict, as well as efforts to force countries to choose sides.

Similarly, he has warned that the prolongation of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict threatens global food, energy and economic security. "Efforts should be made to reduce its negative impacts and, in particular, to support vulnerable developing nations," he has said.

On the other hand, the Chinese foreign minister has expressed hope that Russia and Ukraine can return to the negotiating table, and that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU) will support the initiation of a “comprehensive dialogue” with Russia to address Moscow's concerns.

"It is necessary to respect and ensure the security of each country, replacing confrontation with dialogue, coercion with negotiations, alliances with partnership, and 'zero-sum game' with mutual benefit," Wang has maintained.

Since February 24, when the Russian "special military operation" began in Ukraine, the Chinese government has shown its readiness to play a constructive role in advancing the peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, from its "objective and impartial" position.


Wang Yi
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