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News > Brazil

Brazil: Bolsonaro’s Chief of Intelligence Dies From COVID-19

  • General Carlos Sydriao Ferreira at a military ceremony, Brazil.

    General Carlos Sydriao Ferreira at a military ceremony, Brazil. | Photo: Twitter/ @aratuonline

Published 9 September 2020

The death of the 53-years-old general occurs amid the scandal generated by a report that shows the negligence of the Brazilian government in managing the pandemic.

After being hospitalized for 10 days at the Armed Forces Hospital in Brasilia, Army General Carlos Sydriao, who was in command of the Army Intelligence Center (CIE), died from COVID-19 on Tuesday morning.


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Later, besides confirming the general's death, the Brazilian Army informed that his cadaver will be cremated in a ceremony restricted to family members.

Sydriao was in command of the Brasilia Army Police Battalion from 2011 to 2013. Later, he was commander of the Seventh Motorized Infantry Brigade, until he was appointed a member of the CIE in July 2019.

On his last mission abroad, the 53-year-old general traveled to Lebanon, in the company of ex-President Michel Temer, to deliver supplies and food to those affected by the Beirut blast.

The meme reads, "Lula accuses Bolsonaro of turning COVID-19 into a weapon of mass destruction in Brazil."

The death of the Brazilian intelligence chief comes amid information that the local press leaked on a United Nations document that will be presented to the Human Rights Council in Geneva this month.

This report states that the administration of President Jail Bolsonaro would have committed violations of its legal obligations during the crisis unleashed by the pandemic.

“Among other things, the United Nations document highlights that the government did not take precautions and denied the seriousness of the disease,” as local outlet Brasil 247 reported.

As of Wednesday morning, Brazil had acknowledged 4,165,124 COVID-19 cases and 127,517 deaths.

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