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News > Latin America

Bolivia's Coup Leader Añez is Charged with 5 Additional Crimes

  • Jeanine Añez scorted by the police after being arrested, La Paz, Bolivia, March 13, 2021.

    Jeanine Añez scorted by the police after being arrested, La Paz, Bolivia, March 13, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @candanga_angela

Published 5 November 2021

Currently, she is in prison awaiting trial for her involvement in the 2019 political-military plot against President Evo Morales.

On Thursday, the Bolivian Prosecutor's Office charged former Interim president Jeanine Añez with new criminal offenses related to the appointment of Karina Leiva Añez as manager of the Bolivian Food Company (EBA) in 2020.


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She is accused of making illegal appointments, resolutions contrary to the Constitution and laws, breach of duties, anticipation or extension of functions, and complicity. The prosecution argues that Leyva’s appointment responded to “personal interests, with a possible degree of kinship”.

Añez appointed Leyva disregarding laws that stipulate that the head of a public company such as EBA must have previous experience and a college degree. Leyva’s mismanagement resulted in economic losses for the country.

Leyva is also accused of wasting over US$185,000 of the company's budget as a result of unjustified salary increases and unauthorized creation of new positions.

The EBA case investigations generated a third preventive detention against Añez. Currently, she is in prison awaiting trial for the “Coup d’ etat I ”and“ Coup d ’etat II” cases, which have to do with her involvement in the political-military plot against President Evo Morales in 2019.

During those events, lawmaker Añez proclaimed herself Interim president in a meeting in the Senate that was held without the quorum requiered by law. Once in power, she issued a decree to facilitate the repression of citizens by exonerating the police and military from criminal responsibilities.

As a result of the above, 36 Bolivians were killed during protests in El Alto City. Her relatives have been demanding that Añez also be prosecuted for those murders.

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