The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Peoples' Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) holds a meeting on Monday with the Ministers of Culture and Tourism of the country members to design a common agenda to face the post-pandemic world.
ALBA-TCP Holds XIX Summit of Heads of State in Venezuela
"We are here to talk about the expansion of cooperation in the field of culture, about the integration and recognition of our ancestral values, the principles of indigenous peoples, mechanisms for cooperation and exchange of information, the defense of our identities," the ALBA-TCP Executive Secretary Sacha Llorenti said.
On the other hand, the Venezuelan Minister of Tourism Ali Padron highlighted that "Tourism in the world has been overwhelmingly affected by the pandemic, a drop of more than 74 percent," however the South American nation has seen a recovery in this sector, pushed by the 7+7 method, an experience that could be replicated in other countries.
Moreover, the Cuban counterpart Juan Carlos García said that "the reality we face requires solidarity." Tourism and culture are among the main economic assets of the country members.