On Tuesday, a survey conducted by M&R Consultants revealed that Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega has 70 percent of citizen approval just three months after being reelected for his fifth term.
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"We are grateful to our people for expressing hope in our country's progress with the Ortega administration,” Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo stated, stressing that the government of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) works in favor of all its people.
At least 94 percent of those polled agreed with Ortega’s call for unity to defeat poverty, and 78 percent of them said the construction of an interoceanic canal, a project promoted by his administration, will benefit the country.
The poll also revealed that about 77 percent of adult citizens considered that inter-urban transportation, road reparation, drinking water supply, education, and public health services are optimal. Another 63,3 percent of the Nicaraguans think that the FSLN government has prompted job opportunities.
Sixty-nine percent of those polled saw Ortega's ties with the Chinese government as positive, and another 66 percent agreed with strengthening the Nicaragua-Russia relationship. In addition, 97.4 percent of the citizens surveyed think that dialogue should be the mechanism for resolving socio-political conflicts.
The survey revealed that citizen attention is more focused on economic issues (62.1 percent), political conflicts (13.8 percent), social issues (10.4 percent), and the pandemic (9.1 percent).
Carried out between Jan. 8 and Jan. 18, the M&R survey sampled 1,585 persons over the age of 16 randomly selected from 15 departments and two autonomous regions.