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Trump Pushes to Reopen Schools Despite the US Health Crisis

  • Children attend an elementary school in New York, United States, January  6, 2020.

    Children attend an elementary school in New York, United States, January 6, 2020. | Photo: Twitter/ @ABC13News

Published 17 August 2020

Few citizens want their children back in the classrooms due to the serious situation the country faces.

U.S. President Donald Trump once again pushed for schools reopening despite his country registers 5,400,180 COVID-19 cases and 169,955 deaths.


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"The children have to return to the classrooms. They tend to only develop mild COVID-19 symptoms. Health complications in minors are incredibly rare," Trump said.

Previously, on July 6, he also said that "schools must reopen in the fall," insisting that "children are suffering without face-to-face classes."

To push for the reopening of the school year, Trump has threatened withholding of federal funds for schools. "If they're closed, why to pay for them?" he assured.

A recent poll shows that few U.S. citizens want their children back in the classrooms because of the serious situation the country is facing.

In Louisiana, the quick school opening led to 151 COVID-19 cases after a college outbreak and 17 cases after outbreaks in elementary and high schools.

According to the New York Times, at least half of the nation's children will now spend a significant portion of the fall learning in front of their laptops.


Donald Trump
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