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News > Bolivia

The Andean Parliament Rejects OAS Meddling in Bolivia

  • Relatives demand justice for Senkata massacre's victims, El Alto, Bolivia, Nov. 19, 2020.

    Relatives demand justice for Senkata massacre's victims, El Alto, Bolivia, Nov. 19, 2020. | Photo: EFE

Published 25 March 2021

This regional institution demanded respect for the principle of non-interference in matters of competence of sovereign states.

The Andean Parliament (Parlandino) on Wednesday approved a declaration rejecting the interference performed by the Organization of American States (OAS) Secretary Luis Almagro in Bolivia's internal affairs.


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This regional institution considered that, besides expressing disdain towards the Bolivian judicial system, Almagro exceeded his mandate and disregarded the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

In previous weeks, Almagro questioned the preventive arrest of Jeanine Añez and other ex-Bolivian ministers who plotted a coup over alleged electoral fraud whispered by the OAS electoral observation mission in 2019. 

Parlandino President Adolfo Mendoza demanded respect for the principle of non-interference in matters of competence of sovereign states.

Bolivia's Foreign Affairs Ministry holds that Almagro applies "double standards" to favor certain political groups as he refrained from condemning human rights violations during the U.S. regime led by Añez.

"Almagro does not have the moral or ethical authority to refer to Bolivia... His actions cost human lives, and he must be held accountable for his biased behavior," Bolivian diplomacy stated.

"Like in the past, he is trying to polarize our country based on lies, seeking to revive the path of violence and confrontation between Bolivians," it added.

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