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News > Colombia

Human Rights Mission Confirms Police Abuses In Colombia

  • Hundreds of citizens protest in Bogota, Colombia, June 2021.

    Hundreds of citizens protest in Bogota, Colombia, June 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @ajplus

Published 6 June 2021

An international mission called on President Duque to safeguard the people's life and dignity, guarantee justice and truth, and comply with human rights laws.

After two weeks of investigations, the International Mission of Solidarity and Human Rights Observation confirmed the Colombian people are victims of State terrorism and urged President Ivan Duque to be investigated for murdering and disappearing protesters.


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In a preliminary report, the Mission called on Duque to safeguard the people's life and dignity, guarantee justice and truth and comply with human rights laws.

"During the national strike, the National Police disappeared, murdered, tortured, abused, persecuted, threatened, and intimidated protesters. Police brutality prevented and limited the people's political participation and right to protest," the report states.

The Mission also found that the government deployed sophisticated and lethal weaponry, which turned the country into a warlike zone.

"Duque targeted the people as an enemy, even when protesters were mostly youth, students, women, LGBTQ community members, farmers, Indigenous people, Afro-descendants, social leaders, human rights defenders, and journalists," it said.

The Colombian people "must obtain integral reparation from the government through truth and justice," human rights advocates assured.

The Mission that arrived in Colombia on May 25 is formed by representatives of organizations such as Peace and Justice Service (SERPAJ), Coordinating Committee against Police and Institutional Repression (CORREPI), and the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH).


Ivan Duque
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