Outlet Granma reported that over 45 nations have requested Cuba for Interferon Alpha 2b Human Recombinant supplies given that this drug is effective in treating Covid-19 patients.
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Interferon is produced by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), a Cuban institution that enjoys prestige in the international scientific community.
Created in the 1980s, this drug has been used in cases of acute respiratory conditions and viral infections such as hepatitis B and C, shingles, and HIV/AIDS.
For this reason, Interferon works well to counteract Covid-19, which is the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus.
"Interferon continues to be a drug that is used to combat viral infection and it can be effective, as is happening in China... it serves to control and later disappear the virus," the Interferon creator, Luis Herrera, a Cuban physician, said.
"Interferon: "It is a natural compound whose function is to create a mechanism of inhibition at the first level of the body's response"
This medicine has been successfully used to treat outbreaks of dengue fever type 2 and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Latin America.
Since 2003 it has also been produced by the Cuban-Chinese company Changchun Heber Biological Technology.
Interferon won the 2012 National Technology Innovation Award and the 2013 National Health Award. It is currently the most requested drug to limit the Covid-19 effects.