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News > Palestine

France Endorses an Autonomous State Solution for Palestine

  •  A Palestinian boy stands at an Israeli checkpoint in Hebron, West Bank, Sept. 11, 2020.

    A Palestinian boy stands at an Israeli checkpoint in Hebron, West Bank, Sept. 11, 2020. | Photo: EFE

Published 14 September 2020

"The West Bank is still occupied as part of its territory is colonized by Israel," the French diplomacy acknowledged.

France's Foreign Affairs Ministry called for an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through a two-state solution and the resumption of peace negotiations between the two territories.


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"We welcome the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Bahrain and Israel. It is a step that brings peace and stability to The Middle East," the Ministry stated.

"But much remains to be done to change the reality of the Palestinian people. The West Bank is still occupied as part of its territory is colonized by Israel," it added.

Bahrain "should encourage Israel to reject the annexation of Palestinian territories and encourage the beginning of direct and definitive negotiations. The best solution will be the establishment of two states," the French ministry assured.

Bahrain became the fourth country to re-establish diplomatic relations with Israel. It is preceded by Egypt, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Israel has maintained Palestine occupied for over half a century. Due to this unjustifiable action, Palestine still has no chance of becoming an independent state.

Israel's position has been condemned by the international community. Frequently, the United Nations (UN) has called for a two states solution.

Besides rejecting the foreign occupation, Palestine's people criticise President Donald Trump's so-called "Century Agreement," which is a "peace" initiative that favors Tel Aviv. The document allows Israel to keep a considerable part of the Palestinian territory.

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