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News > Colombia

Colombia: Council of State Returns Angela Robledo to Congress

  • Lawmaker Angela Robledo, Colombia, 2020.

    Lawmaker Angela Robledo, Colombia, 2020. | Photo: Twitter/ @angelamrobledo

Published 11 March 2020

The leftist woman was removed from her position last December under "double-militancy" accusations. 

Colombia's Council of State Tuesday announced that the Colombia Humana (CH) party’s lawmaker Angela Maria Robledo may return to the Lower House after she was charged and dismissed for "double militancy."


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"The seat restored to me by the 'Council of State' also belongs to the more than 8 million people who voted for the Human Colombia political project,” Robledo tweeted.​​​​​​​

In December 2019, Robledo was removed from the Lower House under accusations of belonging to several political organizations simultaneously.​​​​​​​​​​​​

She was a Vice President candidate in the leftist political proposal led by former guerrilla fighter Gustavo Petro. A year before the presidential elections, however, she had allegedly not given up to the parliamentary seat she reached thanks to her participation in the Green Alliance​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​

Senator Ivan Cepeda posted on social networks that “in a transcendental and fair decision, the Council of State has reinstated Angela Maria Robledo in the Lower House. Without a doubt, this is a new triumph for the forces of political opposition, democracy, and peace.”

Robledo was elected lawmaker in 2010. Since that moment, she advocated for social causes such as women’s abortion rights, children's rights, and the peace process in the South American country.

Her current party, Colombia Humana,  was founded in 2017 and it is a left-wing party that belongs to​​​​​​​ the Decency List, which is a coalition of progressive political groups.   ​​​​​​​

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