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News > Peru

Peruvian Indigenous Peoples Are on Their Way to Lima City

  • Peruvians protesting againts the Boluarte regime, Feb. 2023.

    Peruvians protesting againts the Boluarte regime, Feb. 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @JOTACE7777

Published 28 February 2023

Social organizations will accentuate their fight against the Boluarte regime in the capital city, where they will demand justice for all the victims of State terrorism.

On Tuesday, Peru's Unified National Committee of Struggle (CONULP) confirmed that Indigenous peoples are mobilizing for the “Second Takeover of Lima” on March 1st.


Mexican President Opposes Boluarte's Government in Peru

Progressive social and political organizations continue to fight requesting the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, who was appointed by Congress after the removal of President Pedro Castillo on Dec. 7, 2022.

Since yesterday, Indigenous people are taking buses and cars to travel to the capital of Peru from departments such as Huanuco, Ancash, Lambayeque, Tacna, La Libertad, Moquegua, Apurimac, El Vraem, Arequipa, Loreto, Cajamarca, and Junin.

From the department of Puno, the participation of social organizations from the districts of Pomapata, Yunguta, Sepita, El Collao, Chucuito, and Yunguyo has also been confirmed.

The tweet reads, "On Monday, hundreds of Peruvians left the southern Andes for Lima to resume protests demanding the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, a claim that has shocked the country since December and has led to the deaths of 48 protesters."

Previously, on January 19, Peruvians staged a national strike to demand the dissolution of Congress, the immediate call for general elections, and the release of Castillo, who is accused of rebellion. Since then, the department of Puno has continued on an indefinite strike.

Eloy Pacha, the president of the La Rinconada's neighborhoods, stressed the importance of the formation of CONULP to reorganize the popular struggle so as to demand justice for all the victims of State terrorism in Peru.

Meanwhile, the lawfare against the leftist leaders continues. On Monday, a court rejected a petition for habeas corpus in favor of Castillo presented by the National Federation of Lawyers of Peru, which sought that the preventive detention against him be annulled.

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