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West Uses Bucha Situation to Disrupt Russia-Ukraine Talks

  • Russia Says Bucha claims aim to slander the country. April. 4, 2022.

    Russia Says Bucha claims aim to slander the country. April. 4, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@frediejustine

Published 5 April 2022

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday that the West is feeding Bucha's provocation hype to disrupt Russia-Ukraine negotiations. 

Kiev and western media blamed Russia for the killing of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. Russia has said that Ukraine and Western media have created such a situation, noting that it is another provocation that only damages the ongoing Russia-Ukraine talks. 

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The Russian foreign minister said that Bucha's provocation came right after Kiev put forward possible peace proposals such as those on Crimea. He added that Western attempts to provoke Russia pose a high risk that the negotiations will fail, just like the Minsk agreements.    

Referring to the talks between the two sides held in Istanbul, Turkey, in late March, Lavrov said they were productive, as crucial deals were suggested for the much-desired peace. The senior official said that then Ukraine confirmed the necessity of ensuring the country's non-nuclear and non-bloc status and its assurance that the country will not become a member of the U.S.-led NATO alliance and Ukraine's recognition of Crimea and Donbass as finally resolved issues.   

The minister said that Kiev must abstain from spoiling the process under any circumstances to achieve real progress in the negotiations. Lavrov also said Russia is concerned about Kiev's decision to demand the ratification of a possible peace agreement and a referendum, saying this could slow down the process. 


Lavrov made these statements in light of claims by Western media and Ukrainian media, who keep stirring up the narrative that Russia is responsible for the mass killings of civilians in the city of Bucha, despite the lack of evidence to prove these allegations.  

Western and Ukrainian media have used footage showing dead bodies lying on the city's streets to support their claims. However, the images have sparked controversy, with many observers claiming that the alleged corpses moved or even stood up once the camera passed in front of them.

Russia said that the situation in Bucha is another provocation aimed at defaming Moscow, which has already called for an urgent session of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the situation in Bucha twice; however, Russia's request has been rejected both times. 


Sergei Lavrov
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