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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Rejects False Accusations by UN Experts

  • Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza to Sputnik: 'Normalizing the violation of international law is barbarism'.

    Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza to Sputnik: 'Normalizing the violation of international law is barbarism'. | Photo: Twitter @CancilleriaVE

Published 11 March 2021

The Venezuelan Government rejects false information presented by a group of UN Human Rights experts on Venezuela's situation.

On the occasion of the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the president of the International Independent Fact-Finding Mission, Marta Valiñas, accused Venezuela on Wednesday of "arbitrary detentions, judicial proceedings without the necessary procedural guarantees, as well as more than 200 murders committed by the police forces" of the Bolivarian country.


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"The supposedly independent fact-finding mission on Venezuela once again presents false information that is extremely politicized, biased and selective without any balance," condemned Venezuela's ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Héctor Constant Rosales, on the same day.

In this line, Rosales added that such accusations are "based on the convenient standard of proof of reasonable grounds," under which any barbarity is justified without any verification or proof, since "the mission has never visited Venezuela," assured Rosales.

"Venezuela regrets and rejects the ill-advised statements made by High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet at the 46th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council. It is of concern that the High Commissioner loses her rigor and objectivity in the face of pressure from anti-Venezuelan actors."

Also, the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, published a statement on his Twitter account, in which he expressed his "firmest rejection" of these false accusations and regretted that, once again, the organizers of this mission "are making accusations lacking the slightest support, based on media matrices and without direct contact with the reality of the Bolivarian country."

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