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News > Venezuela

Venezuela: President Ratifies Desire for Permanent Dialogue

  • President Madure reaffirmed his government's willingness for dialogue

    President Madure reaffirmed his government's willingness for dialogue | Photo: Prensa Presidencial

Published 11 May 2021

"We are ready and willing for dialogue. We are seasoned in political and diplomatic dialogue for peace," President Maduro emphasized.

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reiterated on Tuesday his willingness to dialogue with all political sectors following the call by the National Electoral Council (CNE) for new regional and municipal elections in the country.

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The President celebrated the unanimous decision of the CNE to call for joint elections of governors, mayors, representatives to the Legislative Council and the Municipal Council. "It is democratic Venezuela," he stressed while reaffirming the government's willingness to dialogue with leaders and representatives of the opposition.

"They want to see the way to participate in the elections (...) They are desperate because Venezuela decided on a new National Assembly and is working entirely on the laws because the National Assembly constitutionally fulfilled the requirement and elected the five main members of the CNE who were already installed and are the electoral power of the Republic", indicated President Maduro.

The head of state asserted that the Great Patriotic Pole is ready to go to elections and win the majorities, "I celebrate that this new team of the CNE is working in this accelerated, deep way, and is making these important announcements for our country. So Venezuela, the year 2021, we are going to elections number 26, and we will prepare ourselves, we will elect the best", he added.

"If they want dialogue, here we are, ready for dialogue, on the subject they want, when they want and how they want. We are experienced and versed in political and diplomatic dialogue, for peace, for the lifting of sanctions, for economic recovery, for the reunion of Venezuelan men and women", he affirmed.

The President's pronouncement comes after the opposition's Juan Guaidó expressed the need to have a dialogue with the Constitutional Government, a victim of illegal coercive measures imposed by the United States and the European Union.

"In the end, dialogue prevailed (...) in the end, we were right. One must have faith in oneself and the Homeland (...) To work, to fight, to battle and victory," President Maduro stressed.

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