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News > Venezuela

Venezuela: 7,253 Illegal Miners Evicted in Amazonas State

  • Illegal mining in the state of Amazonas. Jul. 28, 2023.

    Illegal mining in the state of Amazonas. Jul. 28, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@LucenaVilma

Published 27 July 2023

Yapacana National Park has more than 320,000 hectares protected under the legal status of Areas Under Special Administration Regime.

Venezuelan authorities have evicted during July 7,253 illegal miners from the Yapacana National Park, in the southern state of Amazonas, according to the head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, Domingo Hernández Lárez.

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"Since 01 July 2023 to date, the number of 7,253 environmental predators subjects have been evicted, due to their arbitrary presence in a State security zone," Hernández Lárez said via Twitter account.

"Respecting nature and its conservation is the duty of all citizens," the military chief said in the context of the intensification of operations against illegal mining in the Venezuelan Amazon region.

On Wednesday night, Hernández Lárez also announced the destruction of more than 60 palafitos, which are overwater dwellings improvised by illegal miners, in the Yapacana National Park.

The tweet reads, "A total of 7,253 illegal miners have been evicted from the Venezuelan Amazon so far in July, in the midst of several military operations, informed on Thursday the strategic operational commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez."

The improvised and illegal dwellings had become "infectious and polluting centers," whose residues contaminated "the virgin waters" of the Orinoco and Ventuari rivers.

The military chief remarked that it is expressly prohibited to build any type of housing in Yapacana National Park because it is a State security zone and of "biological importance for the survival of the human race.

Yapacana National Park has more than 320,000 hectares protected under the legal status of Areas Under Special Administration Regime.

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