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News > Uruguay

Uruguayan Union Calls for General Strike Against Pension Reform

  • "This reform is born without popular support," the PIT-CNT said. Apr. 24, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@PITCNT1

Published 24 April 2023

"April 25. 24-hour strike against the Government's pension reform."

The Intersyndical Workers Plenary - National Workers Convention (PIT-CNT) called this Monday for a general strike on April 25 in rejection of the pension reform promoted by the Government.

Pension Reform Sparks Protests In Uruguay

The PIT-CNT announced through its official Twitter account a rally in front of the Legislative Palace as part of the "April 25. 24-hour strike against the Government's pension reform."

The reform promoted by the Government of Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou is being discussed this week in Parliament.

In this regard, the union said: "We workers are not going to give up, we are betting on a great social dialogue and that this discussion will be postponed." It also warned that in case it is approved, "it will have the strong opposition of the union movement and the popular movement as a whole."

According to the PIT-CNT president, Marcelo Abdala, the pension reform cuts workers' and pensioners' rights and constitutes a covert fiscal adjustment.

25/04 - 24 h STOP AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT'S RETIREMENT REFORM. CONCENTRATION 15 h ・Legislative Palace. The people know that the government has the false narrative that this reform is positive and that we can continue working after retirement.

"This reform is born without popular support and that is why we demand that they abstain from voting for it," the PIT-CNT pointed out.

The reform, which is being discussed by the Chamber of Deputies this April 25, originally raised the minimum retirement age from 60 to 65. After debates, a modified bill arrived in Parliament, reducing the proposed minimum to 63 years of age.

The PIT-CNT considers the increase of the minimum years of work detrimental to the working class, "the immense majority, not so to the interests of the capitals that truly represent this executive power."

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